What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

I can rely on this crew any time of day under any circumstance. They are fast and reliable. 

Never expected SERVPRO to be as good as they were! Safe to say I'm sticking with them.

Water was backed up in my business and caused problems all through the first floor and basement to the point where I was standing in water. SERVPRO of Hoboken/ Union City and SERVPRO of Lower Manhattan made it possible for my business to be up and running again.

SERVPRO cleaned up my business very nicely. They absolutely know what they're doing.  

Definitely recommend these guys for bigger jobs. Their team is so capable and reliable. 

I needed cleaning from construction done in a warehouse and was very hesitant to call SERVPRO due to the large size of the warehouse. I was not sure SERVPRO would be able to get the job done. However, I was very wrong and they came with all their guys and the warehouse ended up cleaner than I expected. SERVPRO got the job done!